Je lis trop Phonogram en ce moment et ces rituels d'Albionomancie - une des auto-adorations pour lesquelles Albion est particulièrement douée. Un peu de Britpopolatry: Ray Davies, Kinks'King, chante son Coucher de soleil sur Waterloo [version d'origine de 1967, peut-être plus réussie dans son contraste entre la mélancolie du contenu et le ton enjoué] avec Damon Albarn (de Blur/Gorillaz/TheGoodTheBad&TheQueen - il apparaît dans Phonogram #4/6 comme le Bodhisattva de la Britpop).
A la fin, ils entonnent Parklife de Blur.

Dirty old river, must you keep rolling
Flowing into the night
People so busy, makes me feel dizzy
Taxi light shines so bright
But I don't need no friends
As long as I gaze on Waterloo sunset
I am in paradise

Every day I look at the world from my window
But chilly, chilly is the evening time
Waterloo sunset's fine

Terry meets Julie, Waterloo Station
Every Friday night
But I am so lazy, don't want to wander
I stay at home at night
But I don't feel afraid
As long as I gaze on Waterloo sunset
I am in paradise

Every day I look at the world from my window
But chilly, chilly is the evening time
Waterloo sunset's fine

Millions of people swarming like flies 'round Waterloo underground
But Terry and Julie cross over the river
Where they feel safe and sound
And they don't need no friends
As long as they gaze on Waterloo sunset
They are in paradise

Waterloo sunset's fine

The Good The Bad & The Queen a justement ce qui pourrait apparaître comme une "suite" plus sombre, Kingdom of Doom ("Friday night in the Kingdom of Doom Ravens fly across the room (...) And when the sunset world begins Turning into the night I see everything in black and white").